Room 2: The Commit Conundrum

Workshop Resources

Room 2: The Commit Conundrum

Code snippets float around a central terminal, waiting to be organized

As you enter the second room, snippets of code float in the air. A terminal in the center flickers with a message: “Bring order to chaos. Commit your changes to proceed.”

Your Mission

  1. Create a new file called in your local repository.
  2. Add the secret code from Room 1 to this file.
  3. Stage and commit your changes.


  1. In your terminal, ensure you’re in the escape-room directory.
  2. Create the file and add the code:
echo "Secret Code: GITHUB_BASICS_101" >
  1. Stage and commit your changes:
git add
git commit -m "Add solution for Room 1"

Tip: Always write clear and descriptive commit messages. They help you and others understand the history of your project.

Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

When you’ve made your commit, enter the commit message you used:

[Input field for commit message]

Note: The actual input field and encryption functionality would need to be implemented separately, as Hugo doesn’t provide this out of the box.